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Regular Monthly Meeting
October 15, 2012
7:00 p.m.
Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire and Rescue

Commissioners Present:  Cragin, Descheneaux, Goosman, Manna, Burton and Nezvesky
Marshal’s present:  Halstead, Frampton and Clark
Absent:  Jossick and Ryan

Opening Comments from Chairman Cragin
  • Chairman Cragin thanked the Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire and Rescue Company for accommodating the meeting at their location this evening.
  • Public Participation:  no disrespectful comments will be allowed at this meeting.  If so Cragin will stop the speaker and/or meeting.
  • Cragin thanked the Chiefs and Fire Marshal’s for taking the time from their busy schedules to attend the BOFC meetings throughout his tenure.
  • This meeting will be Cragin’s last regular meeting as Board Chairman.  Cragin thanked Kathy Cragin and Mike FitzSimons for attending the meeting.
Approval of Minutes:  
MOTION:  Goosman moved that minutes of 9/24/12 be approved as corrected.
Seconded:  Descheneaux
Motion passed unanimously

Correction page 3:  Nomination for Commissioner – McCulloch nominated for Civilian Commissioner – not another term.

Correspondence to the Board:  none
Correspondence from the Board:  none

Public Participation:
  • Fire Marshal Halstead thanked Cragin for his service as Chairman of the BOFC.  Halstead stated that Cragin brought the BOFC a long way in a positive manner, mentioning Cragin’s achievements during his 21 year tenure as Chairman and always having the best interest of the taxpayer and town in mind.
Marshal’s report for the month:  
There were 93 calls, 461 incidents, and 396 hours.
  • Fire Prevention activities ongoing
  • $60 in fees collected
  • Blasting complaints at 166 Mount Pleasant due to Toll Brothers blasting
  • Completed fire lane markings at schools
  • Extinguisher training at Big Y
  • Stone River Grill – occupancy inspection
  • Hose testing starts Tuesday of next week.  Sandy Hook will start first.
  • Water Co. – there is a possibility they will extend the water main from Monroe up 25 to Cold Spring Road.  6 to 8 hydrants along the route.
  • Marlin and New Lebbon hydrants have been taken care of.
  • Hawleyville will take care of the Fraser Woods schools as Botsford Fire and Rescue declined to.
Committee Reports:

Budget – Burton reported:
  • CIP being reviewed by Board of Selectman.
  • BOFC budgets received from all six departments.
  • Waiting to get new committee assignments before next Budget meeting.
Truck – Manna reported:
  • #114 Newtown Hook and Ladder still having starting issues and will be going to Gowans to look further into it.
  • Hawleyville #339 had repairs to dump valves.
  • Botsford #559 had water leak and was repaired.
  • FM #1 vehicle waiting for one more vendor to provide pricing.
Policies and Procedures – no report

NUSAR – no report

Hydrant – Nezvesky reported:  
Marlin hydrant is fine and holding water.

Purchasing Agent – Burton reported:
  • Narrow banding scheduled with North Eastern, and Burton will communicate dates once received.  Burton was asked to consider town vehicles as well.
  • DEFIB batteries handed out for Life Pack defibulators.  Chiefs to advise Burton if any additional batteries are needed.
  • RIP – Burton holding off on submitting reports to the payroll company for all departments until the town checks are received.  It has been brought to Burton’s attention that the payroll company has been taking funds out of the department’s accounts before the town funds are received.
Civilian Commissioner (term 10/12 to 10/15):
  • Questions from Commissioners to Nominee Pat Reilly:
  • Is Reilly a Newtown resident – (Cragin) Yes
  • Does Reilly work with a family member of one of the fire commissioners? – (Cragin) Yes
  • Reilly was nominated by Jay Nezvesky? – (Burton) Yes
  • Burton wants to be assured that Reilly will not be influenced by the Chief of Botsford Fire and Rescue.  
  • How will Reilly not be influenced?  (Burton) Reilly stated he will try and be fair.  
  • Burton stated that Commissioner Goosman, the additional nominee for Civilian Commissioner, has never been influenced by the chiefs of the departments.
  • Question from Commissioners to Nominee Lisa Goosman:
  • Is Goosman a Newtown resident? – (Cragin) Yes
Election of Civilian Fire Commissioner
Cragin called for the vote for the Civilian Fire Commissioner.  Cragin stated only fire commissioners representing the five fire departments cast their votes for the Civilian Fire Commissioner.
Lisa Goosman – votes recorded as follows:
Manna of Newtown Hook and Ladder
Burton of Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire and Rescue
Descheneaux of Dodgingtown

Pat Reilly – votes recorded as follows:
Nezvesky of Botsford Fire and Rescue

Hawleyville absent

The BOFC congratulated Lisa Goosman for another term as Civilian Fire Commissioner (2012-2015).

Election for Board of Fire Commissioner Chairman and Vice Chairman (Term 10/12 to 10/13)

Chairman Rob Manna – votes recorded as follows:
Yeas:  Manna, Burton, Goosman, Cragin, Descheneaux, and Nezvesky
One absent – Jossick
Manna elected as Chairman

Vice Chairman Lisa Goosman – votes recorded as follows:
Yeas:  Goosman, Burton, Manna, Cragin, Descheneaux, and Nezvesky
One absent – Jossick
Goosman elected as Vice Chairman

Old Business:
Turn Out Gear

Burton stated he asked Cragin to put this item on the agenda to clarify whether or not the vote that was taken last October in Hawleyville meant the Board was buying gear in a color different to what is currently being purchased, or did it mean gear that could be purchased from manufacturers other than the one we currently use.  In that meeting, there was a motion to honor the Chiefs’ letter of 2/11/11, which recommended the purchase of turnout gear manufactured by either Globe, Cairns or Morning Pride.  The motion was amended to cap the purchase limit at the same cost or less.  No mention was made of color.

Burton raised the issue that we had not seen this Chiefs’ letter. Jossick stated in the minutes that he would like to see the letter before voting.  We voted without seeing it.  

Burton obtained a copy of the letter from Bill Halstead.  It is an unsigned copy, but Halstead assured Burton it is the same letter.  There is no mention of color, and the wording is similar to the wording in the motion.

Burton stated there needs to be clarity in our policy to guide purchasing.  While Burton feels strongly gear should be totally standardized, it should have the same outward appearance at a minimum.  Burton brought the following motion to vote:
MOTION:  Burton made a motion that in an effort to standardize gear between the five fire companies that make up the Newtown Fire Departments and to provide a more uniform appearance of fire department members, it shall be the policy of the Newtown Board of Fire Commissioners to purchase turnout gear of the same color fabric and reflective material for all five companies.  The current selection of gear manufacturers is Globe, Cairns and Morning Pride.  The current color is tan.
Seconded:  Goosman
Yeas:  Burton, Cragin, Goosman and Manna
Nays:  Descheneaux and Nezvesky
Absent:  Jossick

  • Nezvesky stated that the color of the uniform should not be a concern.  In addition, he stated the BOFC is standardizing the wrong items.  
  • Descheneaux feels the color shouldn’t be an issue.
  • Manna feels that the color should be the same and all companies should be considered one fire company, not five separate fire departments.  Purchasing would be easier, as well as better pricing being obtained.
Training Requests:

MOTION:  Descheneaux moved to accept Dodgingtown’s request in the amount of $350 for the rental of the Danbury Burn Building.
Seconded:  Goosman
Motion passed unanimously

MOTION:  Manna moved to accept NH&L’s request in the amount of $1,170 for Advanced Vehicle Extrication, EMT certification Course, Bailout Kit training and evaluation.
Seconded:  Goosman
Motion passed unanimously

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Hennessey

Terry Hennessey